
Thursday, 25 February 2010

Tag Tutorial - Viva - PTU

Tube of Choice - I'm using a gorgeous one by Ted Hammond

Artwork © Ted Hammond

If you wish to use the same tube you must purchase it from CILM

However feel free to use whatever you have in your collection

Scrapkit - PTU - I'm using the superb "Sin City" by Jessica over @ Gothic Inspirations - thank you sweetie xx

Please go HERE for more details

Background Image of choice - preferably a Las Vegas shot - I used one
from Stock Xchng - I used Las Vegas as the search word
and found one I liked by getjustin on (I think) about Page 6 or so.

Two masks by Chelle WeeScotsLass - Mask 145 and 220

Xero Graphics - Pastellise

Xenofex 1 - Shower Door

(both of these filter plug ins are freely available from the Net)

Lokas Shadow (optional)

Sparkles of Choice
also optional

Font of Choice - I used a font called Loungy


OK - so
The Usual, a new Canvas in PSP

I used 680 x 600 (nice and big but if you'd like to start smaller

or you have forum restrictions where you post, then just adjust as needed and

do the same for the following element percentages too)


C&P your chosen tube as a New Layer

Place centrally to the tag canvas, resize if needed

then hide the tube layer for now

Open Paper5

Leave for the moment

Now, open the Nightlife photo/image you've chosen to use - a landscape image

works better than a portait one

IF you've used the same one as me, resize image 30%


C&P as a new layer on our tag canvas(ideally you

want the image size to be not as massive as the canvas, but

large enough to take the mask) just above the White Background

Now unhide your tube so we can build the tag around it


On the Background image,

Use Chelle's mask WSL_Mask145

Layers, Merge, Merge Group

Make sure it's below your tube layer


duplicate the mask layer

and on the bottom copy,

Adjust, Blur, Gaussian Blur by 10


go to Xenofex 1 - Look for Shower Door

and apply the Collage preset from the drop down menu

Now duplicate the untouched mask layer again

and on the top copy

Apply Xero Graphics Pastellise - on these settings of mine

Hope you get the same effect as me - you shouldn't have any extra background

added to the layer - if it's applied right, the preview window hopefully will show

as mine

Anyway, once applied

Change the Blend Mode of this mask layer in the LP to either Soft Light or Overlay -

whichever you prefer

So you should have 3 masked layers

the Top one in the LP should be the Pastellised one

the middle should be the untouched mask one

and the bottom should be the Shower Doored one




Duplicate your tube layer


On the top one - apply Pastellise as we did for the mask layer

Same settings

but this time

Change the Blend Mode in the LP to Burn or similar, we want a nice darkened effect



Now, let's element this baby up lol!

Open Vegas Sign

Image Resize 50%


Place as mine

Open Dice 2



Place to the right of your tube




Open Scatter Bling



Place to the left of the tag as mine

Move this down the LP below all the mask layers





Open Poker Chips



Place to the left




Open Money



Place to the right of the tag as mine

just under the right dice layer


Open Money Bag



Place above your tube layer

and duplicate

Use to cover any half body or leg chop off from your tube

or (in my case) the furry carpet (yikes! lol!)

Anyway, use it as mine, but don't mirror image the bag

Just duplicate and move over as needed

Now - remember our paper from way back? lol!

Go to Pattern (in the Materials Palette, next one along from Colour/Gradient)

Find the Money Paper - but change

the Scale to 40

See my settings here

Click OK

and you should now have the Pattern in your Foreground (or Background) box


So add a New layer just above the White Background

and Floodfill this new layer with your Money pattern :D


Now you can close the Paper - we're done with that


On this money layer

Apply Chelle's Mask - WSL_Mask220

Layers, Merge, Merge Group


Duplicate this layer for added emphasis

Now then - dropshadows!

One of the best finishing touches for any tag imho :D


Don't shadow any of the mask layers

but for all the elements use

2, 2, 45.00, 5.00 Black

Apply to all elements


On your bottom copy of your tube - not the Pastellised one


a favourite dropshadow that you'd usually use for tubes

I used one from Lokas Shadow called Flat Faint Shadow (it's a preset in there)

Now, crop the canvas again to the size you'd like it (it

also helps to get rid of any overhangs, if there are any)

I just cropped to the size it is - 680 x 600

Add your Artist info now and if using photo/image
that needs a courtesy mention, add that too.

And if liked, add some sparklies you may have

I added a New layer

and looked in my Picture Tube tool and found Sparkle (dunno if

it's a preset or one that I obtained but I used that)

and placed various sizes of it to compliment the Sparkle Bling layers

I also used some other sparkles I had :D Improvise with what you have

and see what you like


finally -

Using one of the fabulous Font Diner retro Vegas style fonts

(I used Loungy)

I added the name in a glitter fill and black stroke

Place in the blank space top right

and added the element dropshadow

All done :D

Hope you enjoy xx


This tutorial was written on 25th February 2010 by VixIt is a tutorial based on a tag of my own design created
this morning and
any potential similarities to other tag tutorials that
may be available is wholly unintended and completely coincidental.
Links to tube/scrap blogs or sites are added either through necessity or creator courtesy,
and it is entirely up to the individual (ie. You!) if you choose to visit these sites and/or download/purchase from them.
Scraps used in my tutorials that I've obtained from PTU purchased scrap kits are NOT supplied in my tutorials supplies.
NO linking to my tut examples, screen shots, files or graphics permitted
All of my tutorials are registered with TWI

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Tag Tutorial - Sweet Love - PTU

Tube of Choice - I'm using a cutie by Suzanne Woolcott

If you'd like to use the same - please visit her site HERE

Scrapkit - PTU - a completely gorgeous one called Love is In the Air by my pal Clarey

You can purchase it from her store HERE

Masks - 445 and 446 by me :) Both are available to save from my blog HERE

Toadies - What Are You - Colour Dot


The Usual - but make the canvas size 650 x 600

If you'd like a smaller tag, adjust your canvas size accordingly

and the same goes for the following resize percentages

Adjust to what you'd need instead...


Open the Chocolates


Place to the middle left of the canvas




Open the SW tube (if you're using a different tube, adjust placement to suit your tag)


Place as mine

Open the HeartFrame2



Place as mine

under the other layers and above the White Background

Change both colour boxes to White


Duplicate the Heart Frame

Apply Toadies - What are You on

the default settings

then Colour Dot on

the default settings

Make sure this frame is below the original frame in the LP

Duplicate the chocolate box layers

and repeat the Toadies and Penta for the bottom copies


Change the X-Dose slider in Toadies to 10 from 20

Click inside the non Toadied heart frame with Magic Wand

Selections, Modify, Expand by 5

Open Paper 9 - or another delicious one of your choosing


Move between the two heart frame layers

and do a Selection Delete on the Paper layer

Selections None

Crop the canvas using Crop Tool - Snap Crop Rectangle to: Merged Opaque

(Should be the same size as your canvas)

Just above the White Background

C&P Paper 7


Apply my mask - Vix_Mask446 to it

Layers, Merge, Merge Group

and move across the canvas to line up with the heart frame a little more

See my placement for reference

Open the Cupcake

Resize 20%


Place to the left in front of the chocolates




Open Flower 6



Place as mine to the left of the tag at the top left

of the heart frame then




Open another of the flowers





then place in the centre of the heart frame as mine

Open another of the flowers

Resize as before




But, move this over to the left of the tag and place underneath the

left side flower





move these under the chocolate box layer (the non Toadied one)

in the LP

Use Dropper Tool

Choose a colour from the tag

Place in Background Material Palette colour box

Have Foreground on Nill

Type out your name in a font of choice

Stretch out to fit where liked


Apply a simple and subtle dropshadow to it

I used 0, 0 ,35, 7.00 Black

and now

on the Cupcake, Chocs and

the flowers layer - add a shadow of

2, 2, 45, 5.00 Black

or a shadow of your choice

and on the heart frame, apply a shadow like

3, 3, 54, 7.00 Black

or one of your choice

and on the tube layer - shadow as prefered

Add your Artist info now

Crop the canvas

Delete the White Background


save as a PNG

All done xx