Another Nik inspired tag - check out this beautiful song HERE
Close Up or Tube of Choice - I'm using "Butterfly" by Alex Prihodko which should be purchased
if used in a tag - you can get it HERE
Cloud Tubes - by Rainbow Coffi which you can get from PSP-Playground HERE
Look for Cloud Formation and Cloud Formation 2
Angel Mini Freebie Kit - by Candy's Treats - a gorgeous FTU mini from Diane which you can get HERE
Please leave some love if you download it
Masks needed are
My mask called BigMask_019 - you can download the zip of my masks HERE
and also
Chelle's mask called WSL_Mask196 which you can get from her site HERE
Xenofex 2 - Little Fluffy Clouds
Xero Graphics Greyscaler and Radiance
Penta.com Colour Dot
Font of Choice
Open a new image in PSP
550 x 175
Floodfill White
Change the two Material Palette boxes to White as well
Add a new Layer
and go to Xenofex 2 - Little Fluffy Clouds
on the default settings
(If you haven't got this filter - not to worry, just
floodfill with some sky blue colour or use a sky paper etc)
OK to apply
Open the Rainbow Coffi tube called Cloud Formation
Copy and Paste and place to the left of the tag canvas
Open Cloud Formation 2
And paste as a new layer on the tag canvas to the right
See my tag for positioning reference
Now choose your Close Up image of choice
Copy and paste your image as a new layer on the LP
Place this above the cloud layer
Make sure it's not so massive that you can't see any of the blue sky behind
so resize now if needed
Duplicate it
On the top copy
Adjust, Blur, Gaussian Blur, 10.00
Apply Xero Graphics - Greyscaler on the default settings
and then Radiance on the default settings
Change the Blend Mode of this layer to Soft Light
Now crop to canvas size
and then
Layers, Merge, Merge Visible
Selections All
Selections, Modify, Contract and choose 5
Selections, Invert
and then go to Penta.com - Colour Dot on the default settings
Keep Selected
Selections, Promote Selection to Layer
Selections None
If this effect doesn't show up much for you then
change the Blend mode of this layer to Burn or something else
that shows up on your colour scheme/chose tube area
Layers, Merge Visible
Add Borders
And add a 1 pixel black border (symmetric ticked) and then a 1 pixel White Border
Promote Background Layer
Canvas Size
and let's whack it up to a big tag size!
700 x 600
Add a New Layer
Floodfill White
Move to the bottom of the Layer Palette
Open the Candy's Treats Paper called ct-paper 7
Image, Resize, 70%
Copy and Paste as a new layer above the white background
Apply the WSL Mask called WSL_Mask196
(apply it as Fit to Layer not Canvas)
Layers, Merge Group
Open the ct-lace
Copy and paste as a new layer above the Mask layer
Open the Glitter Circle
Copy and Paste above the previous 2 layers (mask and lace)
Open the ct-clouds
Copy and Paste
Position as mine and make sure these are above the mask
layer but below the glitter circle in the LP
Open the ct- flower cluster
Copy and Paste
Position to the bottom of the tag area
Move this next one and position as liked
I mirrored my one
When happy with the placements
Move both of these layers down below the tag layer
Keep going, you're doing great!
Open the candy's treats Angel halo
At the top of the LP, paste as a new layer
Move over to the right hand side of the tag layer area
Position exactly as mine and
Once happy with the placement
Duplicate this layer
move the duplicate down the LP below the tag layer
On the top halo layer
Erase the top right corner section so it looks like the halo is emerging
and apply a subtle dropshadow to the bottom halo layer only
Add a new layer above the White Background
Floodfill with a darker colour to compliment your tag
and apply
Vix_BigMask019 to it
Layers, Merge Group
Ready for some finishing touches?
Take a favourite scripty font and in the same colour we used for the last
mask, type out your wording and name layers
Subtle Shadow as liked
(I used a subtle shadow - see my previous older tuts for the settings)
Now shadow the two flower layers the same
and also the tag layer
And now add your artist information
and crop to 674 wide by 589 high
Delete the White Background layer
Save as a PNG
All done! :)
Thanks for looking, have fun trying and enjoy!
This tutorial was written on the 27th February 2013 by Vix
It is a tutorial written as I went along this morning
painstakingly trying to come up with new things lol so
I hope I did and therefore
and any potential similarities to other tag tutorials that
may be available is wholly unintended and completely coincidental
and would bleddy astonishing!
Any items supplied to use to create your own tag with this tutorial are supplied
in good faith - if I have used something not intended
for usage in this way, please contact me via email.
Any items created by me for the purposes of this tutorial MAY NOT be used in
any other tag tutorials or for PSP Supplies you create (wordart, brushes, masks, templates, kits)
Links to tube/scrap blogs or PTU tube sites are added either through necessity or creator courtesy,
and it is entirely up to the individual (ie. You!) if you choose to visit these sites and/or download/purchase from them.
Scraps used in my tutorials that I've obtained from PTU purchased scrap kits are NOT supplied
in my tutorials supplies.
This website is intended for educational/entertainment purposes only
NO linking to my tut examples, screen shots, files or graphics permitted
All of my tutorials are registered with TWI