Tube of Choice - I am using a gorgeous one by Keith Garvey
which is PTU and can be purchased from MPT
Scrapkit - PTU - a fantastic new kit from Clarey called "It Girl"
Gorgeous! And can be purchased from Clarey's shop HERE
Chelle's Mask WSL_Mask177 which can be downloaded
from her tut site which is linked in Cool Supplies
Xero Graphics - Greytinter
VM Extravaganza - Transmission
Font of Choice
The Usual
Open heartframe1
Place to the top left of the centre of the canvas
Repeat for heartframe2 and place as mine
Open WireHearts
Place as mine
Erase the excess wire on the top and bottom if liked
I used a small eraser on a round setting on 25 then changed to 5 when
I got closer to the hearts
Open Paper12
Move under all the other layers
and Chelle's Mask WSL_Mask177
Duplicate the Mask layer
and on the bottom layer
Adjust, Blur, Gaussian Blur, 10.00
VM Extravaganza, Transmission,
Line Width 3
Offset 2
Contrast 40
OK to Apply
Open Papers 9 and 11
Place as liked within the heart frames
then using Magic Wand
do a Selection Delete with an expand of 4
and delete the excess papers
Open glittersplat1
Place as mine on the bottom right of the tag
Open the tube you've chosen to use
Resize as liked
and C&P
Place where looks best then
Duplicate the tube
and on the top layer
Adjust, Blur, Gaussian Blur, 3.00
Change the Blend Mode to Soft Light
on the Bottom tube
Xero Graphics Greytinter
and change to the settings and Apply to the tube
Add Dropshadow of
0, 0, 40, 10.26 Black
Open tinysparkleoverlay
Resize 90%
Drop down the LP to just under both tubes
Now add a dropshadow of
2, 2, 45, 5.00 Black to all the element layers except
the sparkles and paper layers
Add your Name in a colour and font of choice
Dropshadow as before
Add your Artist info
On a Layer above the White Background
Floodfill with a colour from the tag
and taking care not to crop the sparkles
Crop the canvas now to a more taggy size
and then delete the colour fill and White Back layers
and save as Transparent .PNG
Thanks for Looking xx